This page is organized in three sections. The first is a record of courses that I have (or will be) teaching as the instructor of record. The second lists the courses that I’ve assisted with, both graduate and undergraduate. Primarily, I’ve worked on assisting Chris Hare with his machine learning course at the ICPSR Summer Program. The third is a summary of additional lectures and seminars I’ve conducted in and out of courses and within my department. I’ve included access to these documents where available.
Instructor Positions - ICPSR Summer Program, Topical Workshop: Causal Machine Learning for Observational and Experimental Research (August 2025, with Jack T. Rametta)
TA Positions
Graduate Courses
- ICPSR Summer Program: Machine Learning, Applications for Social Science Research (Summer 2019–2024, Christopher D. Hare)
Undergraduate Courses
POL 051: The Scientific Study of Politics (Research Methods) (Spring 2020, Christopher D. Hare)
POL 147B: The Legislative Process (U.S. Congress) (Spring 2018, Erik Engstrom)
POL 012A: Elections & Voting Behavior (Winter 2018, Christopher D. Hare)
Lectures, Labs, & Workshops
Introduction to R: Taught at the ICPSR Summer Program and to incoming students at UC Davis.
Introduction to ML in Political Science: Taught at the Inaugural Methods Lunch Talk Series at UC Davis.
PCA & cPCA Lab (For ICPSR): Taught as part of a lecture on unsupervised machine learning.
Interpretable Machine Learning Lab (For ICPSR): Taught as an additional lab.